The IBR200 is part of the IoT Solutions Packages. The IoT Solutions Segment is designed for M2M & IoT usage such as digital signage, kiosks, security systems, monitoring systems, credit card transactions, etc.
The IoT Solutions packages come with a router and NetCloud IoT Essentials. NetCloud Essentials consists of NetCloud Manager, 24x7 Support (CradleCare), and NetCloud Perimeter. NetCloud Manager manages the routers remotely from a 'single pane of glass'. NetCloud Perimeter provides a simple, software-defined cloud-based alternative to VPN.
NetCloud Perimeter is probably most important and most easily implemented in the IoT Market Segment. Take for example a plant where CradlePoint's have sensors and cameras attached wirelessly. By enabling the NetCloud Perimeter solution on the CradlePoint, the sensors and cameras are protected from hacking.
An upgrade to NetCloud IoT Advanced is available. Probably one of the most powerful feature is the 'Remote Connect' feature. Remote Connect provides real time statistics, command line interface (CLI) and probably most powerful, LAN Manager. LAN Manager allows the ability to securely access any GUI interfaces for the devices which are attached to the CradlePoint. This allows one to manage any sensors which are wirelessly attached to the CradlePoint from a central remote location, provided they have a GUI interface.
The IBR200 has an embedded Cat 1 Modem which is capable of 10 Mbps down/5 Mbps Up. The Cat 1 modem can take advantage of low cost data plans that are not available for the higher speed modems.
The 200 comes in 3 Carrier Specific versions, one for Verizon, one for ATT/T-Mobile and one for Sprint.
Unlike other CradlePoint routers, the firmware cannot be changed.
The 200 has only 1 SIM Slot, preventing it from taking advantage of 2 data plans.
Physical Characteristics
The 200 is small. It can fit in the palm of your hand. It is 3.0 × 3.7 × 1.0 in and weighs 6 oz. The casing is metal.
It has 1 10/100 Ethernet Port.
It comes with 2 mini cellular antennas (part # 170704-002) and one WiFi antenna (part # 170628-000).
It also comes with a power supply.
The WiFi is 1x1, meaning it uses 1 antenna. There is only 1 WiFi band, the 2.4 Ghz band.
There is no Non-WiFi version of the 200. If you don't want WiFi, it can be disabled using the GUI interface or using NetCloud Manager.
The 200 has passive GPS, muxed on the LTE Aux Port.